Welcome to the CS 486 Verification and Validation Wiki. We are looking forward to a fun and challenging course. We are excited to use the CS 486 Wiki, and we invite you, the community, to help develop the wiki so it can better serve your needs and the needs of other students in the course and future editions of the course. If you have a valid [http://cs.byu.edu/help CS Open Lab] account, then you can log onto the wiki and edit content. You are encouraged to improve content and its organization as part of the community. == Getting started == Most everything you need to get started with the course is found in the ''course details'' menu on the left of the page. The recommended starting point is the [[cs-486/Syllabus]] followed by the [[cs-486/Schedule]]. If you find something missing, then please [http://cs.byu.edu/email/45/field_contact email the instructor] to add the item.