^ Date ^ Lecture ^ Theme ^ Topic ^ Presenter ^ Assignment ^ Project ^ | 1/5 | 1 | | Course Introduction | Seamons | | | | 1/7 | 2 | | Peer Review | Zappala | [[Homework 2]] | | | 1/12 | 3 | Passwords | The Quest to Replace Passwords | Seamons | [[Homework 3]] | [http://research.microsoft.com/pubs/161585/QuestToReplacePasswords.pdf paper] | | 1/14 | 4 | | An Administrator's Guide to Internet Password Research | Zappala | [[Homework 4]] | [http://research.microsoft.com/apps/pubs/?id=227130 paper] | | 1/19 | 5 | Messaging | SoK: SSL and HTTPS | Craig | [[Homework 5]] | [http://www.ieee-security.org/TC/SP2013/papers/4977a511.pdf paper] | | 1/21 | 6 | | OTR | Jeremy | [[Homework 6]] | [https://otr.cypherpunks.ca/otr-wpes.pdf paper] | | 1/26 | 7 | Email | Neither Snow Nor Rain Nor MITM | Justin | [[Homework 7]] | [http://conferences2.sigcomm.org/imc/2015/papers/p27.pdf paper] | | 1/28 | 8 | | Security by Any Other Name | Nathan | [[Homework 8]] | [http://cseweb.ucsd.edu/~snoeren/papers/smtpsec-ccs15.pdf paper] | | 2/2 | 9 | PKI | An End-to-End Measurement of Certificate Revocation in the Web’s PKI | Tyler | [[Homework 9]] | [http://conferences2.sigcomm.org/imc/2015/papers/p183.pdf paper] | | 2/4 | 10 | | CONIKS: Bringing Key Transparency to End Users | Elham | [[Homework 10]] | [https://www.usenix.org/system/files/conference/usenixsecurity15/sec15-paper-melara.pdf paper] | | 2/9 | 11 | | | | [[Homework 11]] | | | 2/11 | 12 | Attacks | Ad Injection at Scale: Assessing Deceptive Advertisement Modifications | Kris | [[Homework 12]] | [https://static.googleusercontent.com/media/research.google.com/en//pubs/archive/43346.pdf paper] | | 2/18 | 13 | | Class Canceled | | [[Homework 13]] | | | 2/23 | 14 | Misc | Framing Dependencies Introduced by Underground Commoditization | Chris | [[Homework 14]] | [http://cseweb.ucsd.edu/~savage/papers/WEIS15.pdf paper] | | 2/25 | 15 | | Cookies Lack Integrity | Scott | [[Homework 15]] | [https://www.usenix.org/conference/usenixsecurity15/technical-sessions/presentation/zheng paper] | | 3/1 | 16 | Authentication | To Pin or Not to Pin | Jonathan | [[Homework 16]] | [https://www.usenix.org/conference/usenixsecurity15/technical-sessions/presentation/oltrogge paper] | | 3/3 | 17 | | Ersatz Passwords | Craig | [[Homework 17]] | [http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2818015 paper] | | 3/8 | 18 | Breaking TLS | Imperfect Forward Secrecy | Jeremy | [[Homework 18]] | [https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01184171/document paper] | | 3/10 | 19 | | Transcript Collision Attacks: Breaking Authentication in TLS, IKE, and SSH | Justin | [[Homework 19]] | [https://www.internetsociety.org/sites/default/files/blogs-media/transcript-collision-attacks-breaking-authentication-tls-ike-ssh.pdf paper] | | 3/11 | | | | | | Annotated Bib | | 3/15 | 20 | DDOS | SPIFFY: Inducing Cost-Detectability Tradeoffs for Persistent Link-Flooding Attacks | Tyler | [[Homework 20]] | [https://www.internetsociety.org/sites/default/files/blogs-media/spiffy-inducing-cost-detectability-tradeoffs-persistent-link-flooding-attacks.pdf paper] | | 3/17 | 21 | | SIBRA: Scalable Internet Bandwidth Reservation Architecture | Nathan | [[Homework 21]] | [https://www.internetsociety.org/sites/default/files/blogs-media/sibra-scalable-internet-bandwidth-reservation-architecture.pdf paper] | | 3/18 | | | | | | Draft 1 | | 3/22 | 22 | Anonymity | RAPTOR: Routing Attacks on Privacy in Tor | Elham | [[Homework 22]] | [https://www.usenix.org/conference/usenixsecurity15/technical-sessions/presentation/sun paper] | | 3/24 | 23 | | Circuit Fingerprinting Attacks: Passive Deanonymization of Tor Hidden Services | Scott | [[Homework 23]] | [https://www.usenix.org/conference/usenixsecurity15/technical-sessions/presentation/kwon paper] | | 3/29 | 24 | | No Class | | | | 3/31 | 25 | Botnets | Post-Mortem of a Zombie: Conficker Cleanup After Six Years | Chris | [[Homework 25]] | [https://www.usenix.org/conference/usenixsecurity15/technical-sessions/presentation/asghari paper] | | 4/1 | | | | | | Draft 2 | | 4/5 | 26 | Misc | Forwarding-Loop Attacks in Content Delivery Networks | Kris | [[Homework 26]] | [https://www.internetsociety.org/sites/default/files/blogs-media/forwarding-loop-attacks-content-delivery-networks.pdf paper] | | 4/7 | 27 | | Centrally Banked Cryptocurrencies | Jonathan | [[Homework 27]] | [https://www.internetsociety.org/sites/default/files/blogs-media/centrally-banked-cryptocurrencies.pdf paper] | | 4/12 | 28 | | No Class | | | Final Paper | | 4/15 | - | | Final Exam (3:00 PM - 6:00 PM) CS Conference Room 3350 TMCB | | | |