The course lectures are held on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in 120 TMCB from 14:00h-14:50h for the Winter 2017 semester. Some of the lecture content is in a [ GIT] repository which you are welcome to clone. The repository is located on the [ CS Open Lab] under the ''egm'' account: ''~egm/public-git/cs686/lectures''. You must use [ GIT] to clone the repository as well as to get updates and revisions throughout the semester. The [ GIT] clone can be done as: $ git clone ssh:// Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/egm/tmp/lectures/.git/'s password: remote: Counting objects: 133, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (133/133), done. Indexing 133 objects... remote: Total 133 (delta 78), reused 0 (delta 0) 100% (133/133) done Resolving 78 deltas... 100% (78/78) done Please note that '''''' should be your user name for the CS system. Also, some versions of [ GIT] do not like the '''~'''-expansion so you might need to include the full path to my home directory (/users/faculty/egm/public-git/cs431/lectures).