To Do List *Segmentation/Tagging in one swoop **What has been done? ***Hanna Wallach CRF tutorial ***First CRF tutorial ***Chinese segmentation/tagging combo papers. **Find where Lab is ***Peter's state of affairs POS Tagging ***Morph List?? ***Run morph tagger, perceptron tagger? For experiments, *Describe succinctly *Reason *Certain about method Changes to StatNLP * Turn FeatureExtractor into an abstract class that handles the if(Labeled) casting issues in all FeatureExtractors * FeatureExtractor Interface: Type (maybe Datum maybe not) -> Datum, Readers output a Type (for now we can stick with Collection of datums) ** Another possibility is structured datum is a map which will change interfaces but may fit better *** Generic feature extractor could extract features from the text (of email, doc, forum, etc.) * Models take Datums (exceptions may exist like NetflixMovieModel but not in code base) * pipelines? * what is the role of vectors in the feature pipeline?