The '''Spoken Language ID''' project seeks to.... ==Introductory Tasks== ===Running An Experiment in Ten Shell Commands Or Less=== # Ensure that your system meets the current [[Requirements | system requirements]]. On an Ubuntu Linux system, this can be done using a command such as this:
sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk ant perl ruby gnuplot gcc cmake make pdl subversion # Check out the current Language ID repository:
svn co # Enter the HEAD directory created by the previous command:
cd HEAD # Be sure that the template from which the main configuration file will be generated represents your setup by editing Language-ID/config/language-id.conf.cmake. Do this using your favorite text editor, for example: vim Language-ID/config/language-id.conf.cmake. Pay particular attention to PRAAT_EXE, PERL_EXE, WAV_DATA_ORIGINAL_LOCATION, and SEG_DATA_ORIGINAL_LOCATION (or their *_WIN counterparts if running on Windows) to be sure that these contain the correct paths. (LABTOOLS seems to be unused at the moment.) # Generate the build system with default settings using cmake:
cmake .
This also generates the configuration file Language-ID/config/language-id.conf based on the settings you provided in Language-ID/config/language-id.conf.cmake. # Build DETware:
make # Build Language-ID:
cd Language-ID
# Run the experiment:
cd ..
make detcurve

The detcurve target will create the experiments directory in which all experiment data will be stored. It will then copy seg files and wav files into experiments/data and begin extracting features from these data files by running the [[]] script.
Once these preliminary data have been copied and analyzed, a directory specific to the current experiment will be created. As the default experiment is fourgramall, a directory called experiments/fourgramall will be created to house results specific to that experiment. ling files will be generated and placed in experiments/fourgramall/data. Language models will be trained and placed in experiments/fourgramall/models. Other results, including metrics and plot data, will be placed in experiments/fougramall/results # Explore the DET curves, avgcost.txt, avgeer.txt, etc. in the results directory. ===Running a Specific Experiment=== The above example only runs the default 'fourgramall' experiment. Running a specific experiment requires almost exactly the same process. For example, to run the 'fivegram' experiment, substitute the following cmake command: :cmake -D FEATURE_SET_NAME_FORCE=fivegram . Then proceed to build the detcurve target as before: :make detcurve This time, results will be stored in experiments/fivegram rather than experiments/fourgramall as previously. Other parameters can be set, such as the normalization option for [[]], and the result name that determines where plot output is stored: :cmake -D FEATURE_SET_NAME_FORCE=fivegram -D RBLDR_NORM_FORCE=1 -D RESULT_NAME_FORCE=nist_norm1 .
This prepares the system for running fivegram with a normalization of 1. It will also set the result name to be nist_norm1 to differentiate this run from our previous one. We can now run the experiment: :make detcurve The parameters we set in our most recent run of cmake are the exact parameters used by the regression test. Speaking of the regression test.... ===Running All Experiments=== If you wish to build all defined experiments, simply run Language-ID/scripts/[[runall.rb]]. ===Regression Tests=== Regression tests have been created to help verify the integrity of any changes we make to the system. The regression tests can be run by invoking Language-ID/scripts/[[run_all_tests.rb]] from within the HEAD directory. This will attempt to compare all currently-built experiments to the baseline data stored in Language-ID/regression to guarantee no significant changes to the output. ==Papers== The following papers provide vital background information to the problem that the Spoken Language ID project is tackling: * [ Zissman '96: Comparison of Four Approaches to Automatic Language Identification of Telephone Speech] * [ NIST evaluation guidelines] * BYU NLP Lab [ Language ID Tech Report] [[Category:Spoken Language ID]]