== Create an Annotation Manager == First you will create an Annotation Manager that will serve up items to be annotated. At this point you may be saying to yourself, "I thought instance providers were what served up sentences." Well, for many simple tasks it is convenience for your instance provider, automatic annotation provider, and annotation recorder to be implemented by the same class. An Annotation Manager is simply a convenience wrapper over those other three classes. Click "Admin"->"Providers"->"Annotation Managers". Create a new manager by clicking "New", giving the manager any name you like, then pointing it towards the example implementation. Its Xmlrpc name is "SimpleClassificationAnnotationManager" (defined in the file Ccash/src/org.apache/xmlrpc/webserver/XmlrpcServlet.properties) and its Xmlrpc URL is "" (defined in the file Ccash/war/WEB-INF/web.xml). When you test this connection you should see a "Success" message. Now you will have the chance of configuring your annotation manager, which consists of simply passing it a list of name-value pairs. Choose the "General Properties Configurator." Because the simple classification manager uses no configuration, you can simply press "Finish." == Create a project == Projects associate client-side GUI tasks with server-side providers. Click "Admin"->"Projects". Open the new project wizard by clicking "New." Give your project and name and description you like. Now choose the GUI task that will handle the annotation. In this case, that will be "Simple Classification." On the next page you will see a blank list of "Annotation Managers." Select the annotation manager that you created previously. Next you will be have the option to add additional annotation recorders to your task. Next you will now see a screen that says "Messages." Here you can write or edit a list of messages or instructions that will be presented to annotators each time they begin to annotate this project. Next you will see a screen called "Iterations." If you ever decide you'd like to start your annotation project over again without reconfiguring it or losing the work you have already done, you may create a new iteration. For the purposes of this tutorial, simply press "Finish." == Create an assignment == Now you need to assign some annotators to work on the project you have created. Click "Admin"->"Assignments" and create a new assignment by clicking "New." This screen allows you to assign a group of annotators to a group of projects. For the purposes of this tutorial, give the assignment a name, and then assign ALL_ANNOTATORS to ALL_GROUPS. == Annotate == Now when any annotator goes to their "Home," they should see the option of annotating all existing projects. Try pressing the "Home" button, and clicking the "Annotate" button next to your project.