== SVN Instructions == The repository is on Sedna at sedna.cs.byu.edu/Users/fenicd/WonderServerV2 at svn+ssh://bsm@ You need only WonderLibraryV2 if you are a client to the WonderServer Wrapper.h contains a method for accessing video streams without having to use Qt. == Build Instructions == For WonderLibrary you will need: #[http://opencv.willowgarage.com/wiki/ OpenCV] (Version 1.1pre1a) #[http://www.qtsoftware.com/ Qt] (I am using 4.5.0) (Works with 4.5.2) #[http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/berkeley-db/index.html Berkely Db] (I am using 4.7.25) #[http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=A55B6B43-E24F-4EA3-A93E-40C0EC4F68E5&displaylang=en Windows 2003 Platform SDK] For the Server you will need the above items plus: #[http://muonics.net/school/spring05/videoInput/ videoInput] (I am using version 0.1995) Note that qt does not come prebuilt on windows - presently. You must downloaded and compile the source (http://doc.trolltech.com/4.5/install-win.html) and install the visual studio plugin (http://qt.nokia.com/downloads/visual-studio-add-in.) (Works with the open source version.) The following variables must be defined on your system (Note: they should not include the trailing slash...not sure that it matters though) *QTDIR - Should point to the directory where qt was built. Should contain lib and include directories. *BDBINCLUDEDIR - Should point to the include directory for the Berkeley DB library *BDBLIBDIR - Should point to the directory where the Berkeley DLLs and .lib files reside *OPENCVDIR - Should point to the directory where you installed opencv. Should contain lib and include lib, cv, and cxcore directories *PLATFORMSDKDIR - Should point to the platform sdk for windows Once these are defined, you can build the project. One quick note: The Qt typically builds both the debug and release versions of its library. Opencv only produces release versions (as far as I know); likewise for the platformsdk. I have chosen to build both debug and release versions of the Berkeley Db. The bottom line is that the BDBLIBDIR should point to a directory where both the debug and release versions exist. To do this, I copied these libraries to a subdirectory in the sources. == Running == Note that the following dlls must be in your path when you run the WonderServer or Library: * QtNetwork[d]4.dll * QtCore[d]4.dll * QtGui[d]4.dll * QtXml[d]4.dll * libdb47[d].dll (note the [d] indicates an optional d, depending on whether you are running a release or debug version).