The following commands are intended for an Ubuntu Linux system and may need to be adjusted for your individual setup.

; Get basic packages :

sudo apt-get install default-jdk ant git libyaml-dev

Now, get Django set up. There are three ways to do this: ; 1) Just use apt-get :

sudo apt-get install python-django python-scipy python-numpy python-matplotlib

; 2) Use pip :

sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev libblas-dev liblapack-dev
:sudo pip install django scipy numpy matplotlib

;3) Use pip to install packages in a virtual environment (good for servers running multiple apps) :

sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev libblas-dev liblapack-dev
:sudo pip install virtualenv
:mkdir ~/envs
:virtualenv ~/envs/tgenv --no-site-packages
:cd ~/envs/tgenv
:source ./bin/activate
:pip install django
:pip install numpy
:pip install scipy
:pip install matplotlib
:pip install nltk

Note that any time you want to execute code in the virtualenv, you need to run

source ./bin/activate


The third method seems to work more reliably across platforms.

; Grab the Topical Guide code and switch to the


branch :

git clone
: cd topicalguide
: git fetch origin dev:dev
: git checkout dev

; To use MySQL instead of default SQLite3 (recommended if you're deploying to the Web) : In







; Import the default dataset :


; Run the development server :


Point your browser to the address printed by

and you should be able to browser the Topical Guide.