Table of Contents


Model Description

The model is a simulation of an Alarm Clock. A null pointer exception exists in the model.

Classes: 6

SLOC: 125

Parameters: (selector)

Summary Results Table

alarmClock (4)
Tool Trials (successful) Time Transition (paths) Max Depth (error depth)
JPF “Randomized DFS” 100 (100) 1.00 0.84s 148.30 (0.00) 71.02 (62.84)
JPF Stateless Random Walk 10179 (849) 0.08 NA NA (NA) NA (NA)
CHESS 1 (1) 1.00 0.33s 352.00 (3.00) 72.00 (NA)
alarmClock (9)
Tool Trials (successful) Time Transition (paths) Max Depth (error depth)
JPF “Randomized DFS” 100 (100) 1.00 0.80s 152.12 (0.00) 71.05 (61.97)
JPF Stateless Random Walk 10123 (942) 0.09 NA NA (NA) NA (NA)

Java PathFinder

Stateless Random Walk

Parameters Path Error Density
4 0.083
9 0.084

one hour. A total of 100 computation hours dedicated in discovering the error.

among the initially launched trials (100).

Parameters Trials (successful) Time Transition (paths) Max Depth (error depth) abs time (ms) rel. time (ms) search depth errorDepth new states revisited states end states backtracks processed states restored states total memory (kB) max total memory free memory (kB) heap objects max heap objects
(4) 100 (100) 100.00% 0.84s 148.30 (0.00) 71.02 (62.84) 841.21 841.21 71.02 62.84 110.53 37.77 0.94 84.46 45.76 0.00 14474.24 6990528.00 0.00 164.27 164.27
(9) 100 (100) 100.00% 0.80s 152.12 (0.00) 71.05 (61.97) 802.61 802.61 71.05 61.97 111.65 40.47 0.86 89.15 47.82 0.00 13974.40 6990528.00 0.00 164.66 164.66