Table of Contents


Models Hard-Capable? Parameters Java C# C (PThread) JPF ConTest CalFuzzer Chess
AccountDeadlock 1 X X X X X X
AccountException 1 X
AccountSubtype X 2 X X X X X X
Airline X 2 X X X X X X
AlarmClock 1 X X X X
AllocationVector 4 X X X X
Clean 3 X X X X NA X
Deadlock 1 X X X X
LinkedList 2 X X X X
Piper X 3 X X X X NA X
ProducerConsumer 3 X X X
RaxExtended 2 X X X
ReadersWriters X 3 X X X X
Reorder 2 X X X X X X X
Replicated 5 X X X X
Two Stage X 2 X X X X X NA X
Wronglock 2 X X X X X X X


Access to the Multi-threaded programs

A set of multi-threaded Java, C# and C programs are publicly available from our SVN repository. All the examples can be obtained by running the svn checkout command shown below. Enter the password <i>anonymous</i> when prompted for one.

Getting the Raw Data


The raw data from JPF-RandomizedDFS, JPF-RandomWalk, and abstraction-guided-data is now publicly available from our SVN repository. As above, use the password “anonymous” (without quotes).

These all use the 7z archive format. The official 7-zip archive tool can be downloaded for Windows (GUI & command-line versions) or Linux (command-line version only) here: In addition, the 7z format is supported by the following tools: WinRAR, PowerArchiver, TUGZip, IZArc.

Please note that the RandomizedDFS archive will take some time to both download and decompress due to its size, and the RandomWalk archive will also take some time to decompress; despite its relatively small size, it contains over 600,000 files.

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