Concurrency Tool Comparison

Model Description

The model manifests a data race when a set of thread reads from a shared variable while another thread is writing to the same object.

Classes: 3

SLOC: 66

Parameters: (numOfThreads)

Summary Results Table

accountException (5)
Tool Trials (successful) Time Transition (paths) Max Depth (error depth)
JPF “Randomized DFS” 5047 (4495) 0.89 686.37s 10536186.70 (0.00) 197.68 (190.32)
JPF Stateless Random Walk 10120 (5555) 0.55 NA NA (NA) NA (NA)

'*' Deterministic implementation

'na' Data not output by tool (not available)

blank Not yet run


Hardness in a non-deterministic algorithm is the number of trials that find an error divided by the total number of trials where a trial is an independent run of the algorithm. For example, if 100 trials are run and 50 of those are successful in finding an error, then the hardness is reported as 0.50 or 50%. For deterministic algorithms(or tools) hardness is either 1 (easy) or 0 (hard). The time, transitions, and depth are the average over the successful experiments for non-deterministic algorithms.


  • CHESS: computed as the number of paths times the depth
  • JPF: computed as the number of states plus the number of revisited states


  • ChessBound=2
  • ChessMonitorVolatiles=true

Account Params Tests Found Error Time Taken Steps (Depth)

  • ChessMonitorVolatiles=false

Account Params Tests Found Error Time Taken Steps (Depth)

Java PathFinder

Stateless Random Walk

Parameters Trials (successful) Time Transition (paths) Max Depth (error depth) abs time (ms) rel. time (ms) search depth errorDepth new states revisited states end states backtracks processed states restored states total memory (kB) max total memory free memory (kB) heap objects Max heap objects
(5) 10120 (5555) 54.89% 0.77s 191.92 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 771.03 771.03 0.00 0.00 191.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12249.84 932096.00 0.00 176.00 176.00

Parameters Trials (successful) Time Transition (paths) Max Depth (error depth) abs time (ms) rel. time (ms) search depth errorDepth new states revisited states end states backtracks processed states restored states total memory (kB) max total memory free memory (kB) heap objects Max heap objects
(5) 5047 (4495) 89.06% 686.37s 10536186.70 (0.00) 197.68 (190.32) 686374.56 3958.51 197.68 190.32 2152801.11 8383385.59 1.74 10536185.70 2152264.23 2152264.23 297339.23 932096.00 130452.48 196.00 196.00


  • 1000 independent trials
  • The ratio of the error discovery trials over the total number of trials is the

path error density.

Account Params Path Error Density
4 0.000
5 0.000

vv-lab/accountexception.txt · Last modified: 2015/02/18 15:52 by egm
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