The following ideas were generated at the September TiLAR meeting.

Longitudinal Study

The clinicians would like to be able to continue to use Troy in therapies with Alex (pseudonym). In fact, they report feeling an ethical obligation to continue to do so.

The challenge is that we'd like to continue to answer some research questions with this therapy, but preparing to gain quantitative results from the therapy would take a long time to set up.

Two ideas were proposed for eliciting qualitative research results while allowing Troy to be used immediately in therapies with Alex.

  1. Is the user interface sufficient to allow the clinicians to program a rich enough set of behaviors to continue to engage Alex in productive therapies? This is a question about the human-robot interaction between the therapist and the robot, specifically focused on creating a tool that the therapists can use and whether it is powerful enough to produce a large range of engaging behaviors.
  2. Does the robot's power of engagement decrease over time, does engagement continue but therapeutic benefit decrease, or does the potential therapeutic benefit endure even when the robot is used in a new set of 14 therapies.

Video Annotation Tool

The following is a “wishlist” of things that would be helpful for the students who must code behavior from the videos of the therapies.

  • Easy ability to synchronize multiple videos from the same session, and display these videos side by side.
  • Ability to code “on the fly” by, for example, clicking a Wii-mote when a particular behavior is observed. This should automatically be displayed on a video timeline.
  • Ability to search video by annotation type. For example, after the video has been coded, it would be great to be able to say “Show me all of the videos the were coded as X or that failed to show Y.”
  • Ability to partition video into different size, possibly overlapping segments. For example, someone coding the video could request that the video be automatically partitioned into 30 second intervals, but with each interval overlapping the previous and subsequent interval by 10 seconds.
  • Ability to view all annotated videos from a single menu, including returning all video segments sorted by annotation code.
ar/near-term-research-tasks-oct-2010.txt · Last modified: 2014/08/11 13:50 by tmburdge
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