//This program will read in a text file, 
//create an Account class to store the information read from the text file, 
//store them in a vector<Account>, 
//and prints out all of the objects in the vector
//Test cases found in Test.txt
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
// Declare Class w/ methods and members
class Account
	// Default Constructor
	//Constructor with initial balance
	Account(string name, int number, double init_bal);
	//deposits money into account, returns new balance (mutator function)
	double deposit(double money);
	//withdraws money, returns new balance; (mutator function)
	double withdraw(double money);
	//returns the balance (accesor function) --  mark all accessor functions as const
	double get_balance()const;
	//returns string
	string toStr() const;
private: // these data members will store information but can't be changed from the outside without using the accessor functions
	double balance;
	string account_name;
	int ss_number;
// Giving the functions directions on what to do.
Account::Account() // Default Constructor just initializes the Account
	account_name = "";
	balance = 0.00;
	ss_number = 0;
Account::Account(string name, int number, double init_bal)  // Constructor that assigns values to the private data members
	account_name = name;
	ss_number = number;
	balance = init_bal;
double Account::deposit(double money) // mutator function that will return the new balance after adding "money" to the data member
	balance += money;
	return balance;
double Account::withdraw(double money) // mutator function that returns the new balance after subtracting "money" from data member
	balance -= money;
	return balance;
double Account::get_balance() const  // returns the balance
	return balance;
string Account::toStr() const  // Accessor function: returns the string that will be seen when printed out.
	ostringstream out;
	//Pushes all the data that we need into a stringstream.
	out << "Name: " << account_name << "\tBalance: $" << fixed << setprecision(2) << balance;
	return out.str(); // returns the stringstream data.
// The following section  will demonstrate the use of functions in creating a new account.
/* int main ()
string name = "John Doe"; // Initializing variables to be stored in the object
double money = 2000.00;
int num = 234556789;
double to_deposited = 150.00;
double to_withdraw = 200.00;
Account john(name, num, money); //creating the object with these values
cout << john.get_balance(); //prints out the current balance
cout << john.deposit(to_deposited);  //prints out the new balance after making a deposit
cout << john.withdraw(to_withdraw); // prints out the new balance after making a withdrawl
cout << john.toStr() << endl; // prints out the name and the balance as defined in our toStr function "Name: John Doe    Balance: 1950.00"*/
//The following code will read in a file that has space-delimited values in this order:
// First Name, Last Name, SS Number, Initial balance
// Stores all of these values as an Account pointer in a vector.
// prints out all of the Names and balances of all the accounts in the "Bank" 
int main()
	vector<Account> bank; // Creates the vector of Account pointers
	string location;
	ifstream in_file; //Creating a stream to read in the file
	cout << "Where should I read the data from?";
	getline(cin, location);
	if (in_file.is_open()){
		while (!in_file.eof()) { // if there's more stuff, read it in.
			string line;
			string fname;
			string lname;
			int ss_num;
			double in_bal;
			// grab a whole line
			getline(in_file, line);
			// make it into a stream
			istringstream inputstream(line);
			// If we succeed in reading the input make an account
			if (inputstream >> fname >> lname >> ss_num >> in_bal) {
				string name = fname + " " + lname; // Making the name be first + last names
				Account tempAccount = Account(name, ss_num, in_bal); // allocating memory and creating the acount
				bank.push_back(tempAccount); // Adding to the vector;
				// or just bank.push_back(Account(name, ss_num, in_bal));
			else {
				cout << "Ignoring bad input in input file: " << line << endl;
	// Now we print out the vector when the whole file is read in.
	for (auto x : bank) {
		cout << x.toStr() << endl;
	return 0;

Also, I used this data for input:

Fred Flintstone 1 234.01
Willma Flintstone 2 345.67
Barney Rubble three 123.45
Betty Rubble 4 nothing
Pebbles Flintstone 5 23.45

ALSO here is an advanced version with a friend for streams, USE WITH CAUTION

//This program will read in a text file, 
//create an Account class to store the information read from the text file, 
//store them in a vector<Account>, 
//and prints out all of the objects in the vector
//Test cases found in Test.txt
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
// Declare Class w/ methods and members
class Account
	// Default Constructor
	//Constructor with initial balance
	Account(string name, int number, double init_bal);
	//deposits money into account, returns new balance (mutator function)
	double deposit(double money);
	//withdraws money, returns new balance; (mutator function)
	double withdraw(double money);
	//returns the balance (accesor function) --  mark all accessor functions as const
	double get_balance()const;
	//returns string
	string toStr() const;
	friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Account& dt);
private: // these data members will store information but can't be changed from the outside without using the accessor functions
	double balance;
	string account_name;
	int ss_number;
// Giving the functions directions on what to do.
Account::Account() // Default Constructor just initializes the Account
	account_name = "";
	balance = 0.00;
	ss_number = 0;
Account::Account(string name, int number, double init_bal)  // Constructor that assigns values to the private data members
	account_name = name;
	ss_number = number;
	balance = init_bal;
double Account::deposit(double money) // mutator function that will return the new balance after adding "money" to the data member
	balance += money;
	return balance;
double Account::withdraw(double money) // mutator function that returns the new balance after subtracting "money" from data member
	balance -= money;
	return balance;
double Account::get_balance() const  // returns the balance
	return balance;
string Account::toStr() const  // Accessor function: returns the string that will be seen when printed out.
	ostringstream out;
	//Pushes all the data that we need into a stringstream.
	out << "Name: " << account_name << "\tBalance: $" << fixed << setprecision(2) << balance;
	return out.str(); // returns the stringstream data.
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Account& anaccount)
	os << anaccount.toStr();
	return os;
// The following section  will demonstrate the use of functions in creating a new account.
/* int main ()
string name = "John Doe"; // Initializing variables to be stored in the object
double money = 2000.00;
int num = 234556789;
double to_deposited = 150.00;
double to_withdraw = 200.00;
Account john(name, num, money); //creating the object with these values
cout << john.get_balance(); //prints out the current balance
cout << john.deposit(to_deposited);  //prints out the new balance after making a deposit
cout << john.withdraw(to_withdraw); // prints out the new balance after making a withdrawl
cout << john.toStr() << endl; // prints out the name and the balance as defined in our toStr function "Name: John Doe    Balance: 1950.00"*/
//The following code will read in a file that has space-delimited values in this order:
// First Name, Last Name, SS Number, Initial balance
// Stores all of these values as an Account pointer in a vector.
// prints out all of the Names and balances of all the accounts in the "Bank" 
int main()
	vector<Account> bank; // Creates the vector of Account pointers
	string location;
	ifstream in_file; //Creating a stream to read in the file
	cout << "Where should I read the data from?";
	getline(cin, location);
	if (in_file.is_open()){
		while (!in_file.eof()) { // if there's more stuff, read it in.
			string line;
			string fname;
			string lname;
			int ss_num;
			double in_bal;
			// grab a whole line
			getline(in_file, line);
			// make it into a stream
			istringstream inputstream(line);
			// If we succeed in reading the input make an account
			if (inputstream >> fname >> lname >> ss_num >> in_bal) {
				string name = fname + " " + lname; // Making the name be first + last names
				Account tempAccount = Account(name, ss_num, in_bal); // allocating memory and creating the acount
				bank.push_back(tempAccount); // Adding to the vector;
				// or just bank.push_back(Account(name, ss_num, in_bal));
			else {
				cout << "Ignoring bad input in input file: " << line << endl;
	// Now we print out the vector when the whole file is read in.
	for (auto x : bank) {
		//cout << x.toStr() << endl;
		// Advance version, use with caution:
		cout << x << endl;
	return 0;
cs-142/accounts.txt · Last modified: 2014/11/04 09:16 by kseppi
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