BYU Health Insurance

Problem Statement

  • Write a program to determine a user’s monthly health insurance premium based on their marital status and the number of dependents.

Values taken from


Test Case 1:
Input: single, 0 dependents
Output: 74
Actual: 74
Test Case 2:
Input: single, 2 dependents
Output: 273.50
Actual: 273.50
Test Case 3:
Input: married, 0 dependents
Output: 118.50
Actual: 118.50
Test Case 4:
Input: married, 2 dependents
Output: 413.50
Actual: 413.50
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
const string TRUE = "Y";
int main()
	// INPUTS: whether single or married, dependents or no dependents
	// OUTPUT: premium
	string is_single = "Y";
	string has_dependents = "N";
	// Prompt user
	cout << "Are you single? (Y/N)";
	cin >> is_single;
	cout << "Do you have dependents? (Y/N)";
	cin >> has_dependents;
	double premium = 0.0;
	// Decide which premium they should pay
	if (is_single == TRUE)
		if (has_dependents == TRUE)
			premium = 273.5;
			premium = 74;
		if (has_dependents == TRUE)
			premium = 413.5;
			premium = 118.5;
	cout << "premium: " << premium << endl;
cs-142/byu-health-insurance.txt · Last modified: 2015/05/12 13:17 by cs142ta
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