Cougar Cash

Problem Statement

  • Everyday you go to the BYU Candy Counter and buy chocolate covered cinnamon bears using your Cougar Cash card.
  • Write a program which prompts the user how much they want to spend on candy, and then prints out the card balance and what cash is still owed.
  • The initial card balance is $10.00.
  • Any purchase greater than what is on the card should use up the balance on the card.


Test Case 1:
Input: 8.50 (input less than initial balance)
Output: balance is 1.50
Actual: balance is 1.50
Test Case 2:
Input: 15.00 (input greater than initial balance)
Output: balance is 0, owes 5.00
Actual: balance is 0, owes 5.00
Test Case 3:
Input: 0 (border case)
Output: balance is 10
Actual: balance is 10
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
const double INITIAL_BALANCE = 10.00;
int main()
	// inputs: how much they want to spend
	// outputs: balance after purchase, cash owed
	cout << fixed << setprecision(2);
	// Prompt the user
	double desired_expenditure;
	double balance = INITIAL_BALANCE;
	cout << "How much you wanna spend on bears? $";
	cin >> desired_expenditure;
	// if input > balance
	if (desired_expenditure > balance)
		// report (input - balance) as still owed
		cout << "$" << (desired_expenditure - balance) << " is still owed" << endl;
		// update balance to 0
		balance = 0;
	// otherwise
		// balance = balance - input
		balance -= desired_expenditure;
	// print balance
	cout << "Your new balance is $" << balance << endl;
	return 0;
cs-142/cougar-cash.txt · Last modified: 2015/05/12 13:11 by cs142ta
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