Family Feud!


  • You want a program to track points for two teams on (a simplified) Family Feud game!
  • In each round a survey question is given that has been asked to 100 people and the top answers have been recorded
  • To start the round, a representative from each team is chosen two play in a “toss-up”
  • The survey question is read
  • Whichever team’s rep buzzes in and correctly guesses a top answer first, that team gets to guess the rest of the top survey answers
  • Points are allotted based on the popularity of the survey answer


  • You want a program to track points for two teams
  • By using a pointer, it is possible to switch to a different team without modifying the code for adjusting a team’s score.
  • Start with two score-keeping variables:
    • int team_A_score = 0;
    • int team_B_score = 0;
  • How would you write code to adjust the score of whichever team wins the toss-up?
  • For each of five rounds (i.e., survey questions),
    • Prompt for the team that won the toss-up
    • Prompt for points to add for each guess
    • End the round after three wrong guesses (i.e., 0 points added)
  • Print out the winner
  • Let’s play the Feud!


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
const int MATCH_MISS_COUNT = 3;
const int ROUNDS = 2;
string prompt_for_team();
int prompt_for_points();
int main()
	int team_A_score = 0;
	int team_B_score = 0;
	// By using a pointer, we can write code to adjust an arbitrary team's score and switch to different teams as necessary.
	int * winning_team_score = NULL;
	for (int round = 0; round < ROUNDS; round++)
		// Prompt for the team that won the toss-up (winning_team_score)
		string winning_team = prompt_for_team();
		if (winning_team == "A")
			// A pointer must be assigned to the address of a variable 
			winning_team_score = &team_A_score;
		else if (winning_team == "B")
			winning_team_score = &team_B_score;
		int wrong_guesses = 0;
		while (wrong_guesses < 3)
			// Prompt for points to add for each guess
			int points_to_add = prompt_for_points();
			if (points_to_add == 0)
				// We avoid having to duplicate this code for both team A and team B by using a pointer
				(*winning_team_score) = (*winning_team_score) + points_to_add;
			// End the guessing after a certain number of wrong guesses (i.e., 0 points added)
		cout << "Score at end of round " << round << " is A - " << team_A_score << ", B - " << team_B_score << endl;
	cout << "Team " << (team_A_score > team_B_score ? "A" : "B") << " WINS!" << endl;
	cout << "GAME OVER" << endl;
	return 0;
Prompt for team that won the toss-up, read the input (no input validation)
@return user input (A or B)
string prompt_for_team()
	cout << "In the toss-up, which was the winning team (A,B)? ";
	string team_that_answered;
	cin >> team_that_answered;
	return team_that_answered;
Prompt for points to be added (no input validation)
@return user input (points)
int prompt_for_points()
	cout << "Points to add:";
	int points_to_add;
	cin >> points_to_add;
	return points_to_add;
cs-142/family-feud.txt · Last modified: 2015/06/04 12:02 by cs142ta
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