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Help Queue


  • You have been hired to TA this fall
  • You want to build a help queue where students can help each other! Thus, the program needs to be able to add and remove a student one at a time. The queue should allow multi-word names.
  • Your program has two options:
  1. Ask for help
    • This prompts for a name to add to the end of the queue
  2. Help a student
    • This removes a name from the front of the queue
  • You should display the queue as it changes


Test case 1
Input: option 1
Output: prompt for name, adds name when given
Test case 2
Input: option 2 (with empty queue)
Output: Nothing is removed from queue
Test case 3
Input: option 2 (nonempty queue)
Output: Name in first position is removed
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
const int ASK_HELP_OPT = 1;
const int GIVE_HELP_OPT = 2;
	Display the queue to the console
	@param queue queue to display
void display_queue(const vector<string> & queue)
	cout << "CURRENT QUEUE:" << endl;
	for (int i = 0; i < queue.size(); i++)
		// print out 1-based, labeled list of names who are waiting
		cout << (i + 1) << ". " << queue[i] << endl;
	Shows menu and gets user's menu choice. No input validation
	@return user's menu choice
int prompt_for_option()
	cout << "*************MENU***************" << endl
		<< ASK_HELP_OPT << ". Ask for help" << endl
		<< GIVE_HELP_OPT << ". Give help" << endl
		<< "Option: ";
	int option;
	cin >> option;
	cout << endl;
	return option;
	Function checks if queue is non-empty and then removes next to be helped from the queue
	@param queue the queue of those waiting for help
void give_help(vector<string> & queue)
	if (queue.size() == 0)
		// Take out first person
		string name_of_being_helped = queue[0];
		// Move everyone else up
		// alternative: queue.erase(queue.begin());
		for (int i = 0; i < queue.size() - 1; i++)
			queue[i] = queue[i + 1];
		queue.pop_back(); // reduce the size of the array
	Function prompts for name of person needing help, then adds it to the queue
	@param queue queue of those waiting to be helped
void ask_help(vector<string> & queue)
	cout << "Name to add:";
	string name;
	// Have to sync in case there's a \n character waiting in the cin buffer from cin>>option
	getline(cin, name); // this allows us to get names with multiple words
int main()
	vector<string> help_queue;
	while (true)
		// display the queue
		// prompt for an option
		int option = prompt_for_option();
		// either add to the queue or remove from the queue
		if (option == ASK_HELP_OPT)
		else if (option == GIVE_HELP_OPT)
	return 0;
cs-142/help-queue.txt · Last modified: 2015/05/26 12:06 by cs142ta
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