This implementation uses several files to implement the inheritance. This is a more interesting version. It reads data in from a file and and uses virtual and pure virtual methods. There is another version source.cpp (included at the bottom of this page) that reads from cin.

— source.cpp (file reading version) —

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include "Animal.h"
#include "Dog.h"
#include "Cat.h"
using namespace std;
int main() {
	vector<Animal *> animals;
	string filelocation;
	cout << "What file do you want to read the data from? ";
	getline(cin, filelocation); // Important to use getline here, there may be blanks in the file name
	// Also remove "s, windows adds them in some cases
	if (filelocation.substr(0, 1) == "\"") {
		filelocation = filelocation.substr(1, filelocation.length() - 2);
	ifstream infile;
	cout << "FYI, reading from" << filelocation << endl;
	ifstream myfile(filelocation); // Open the file at the location the user asks for;
	if (infile.is_open()) {
		string line;
		string type;
		int aweight;
		string name;
		char achar;
		while (getline(infile, line)) {
			cout << line << endl;
			istringstream tempstream(line);
			if (tempstream >> type) {
				if (type == "Dog") {
					if ((tempstream >> aweight) &&
						(tempstream.get(achar)) &&
						(getline(tempstream, name))) {
						animals.push_back(new Dog(name, aweight));
					else {
						cout << "Bad dog! : " << line << endl;
				else if (type == "Cat") {
					bool hadvaccine;
					if ((tempstream >> aweight >> hadvaccine) &&
						(tempstream.get(achar)) &&
						(getline(tempstream, name))) {
						animals.push_back(new Cat(name, aweight, hadvaccine));
					else {
						cout << "Bad cat : " << line << endl;
				else {
					cout << "Not a known kind of animal: " << line << endl;
			else {
				cout << "bad line: " << line << endl;
	cout << "\nHere is the list of animals I found:\n";
	for (auto x : animals) {
		cout << x->toString() << endl;
	cout << "\nHere is the list of animals that need a visit:\n";
	for (auto x : animals) {
		if (x->needsvisit()) {
			cout << x->toString() << endl;
	cout << "End of list of anmals needing a visit\n";

— source.cpp (cin reading version) —

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include "Animal.h"
#include "Dog.h"
#include "Cat.h"
using namespace std;
int main() {
   vector<Animal *> animals;
   string filelocation;
   /*cout << "What file do you want to read the data from? ";
   getline(cin, filelocation); // Important to use getline here, there may be blanks in the file name
   // Also remove "s, windows adds them in some cases
   if (filelocation.substr(0, 1) == "\"") {
   filelocation = filelocation.substr(1, filelocation.length() - 2);
   ifstream infile;
   cout << "FYI, reading from" << filelocation << endl;
   ifstream myfile(filelocation); // Open the file at the location the user asks for;
   cout << "Dog weight name" << endl
      << "Cat weight hadvac name" << endl
      << "enter data, use STOP to stop" << endl << endl;
   string line;
   string type;
   int aweight;
   string name;
   char achar;
   while (getline(cin, line)) {
      istringstream tempstream(line);
      if (tempstream >> type) {
         if (type == "Dog") {
            if ((tempstream >> aweight) &&
               (tempstream.get(achar)) &&
               (getline(tempstream, name))) {
               animals.push_back(new Dog(name, aweight));
            else {
               cout << "Bad dog! : " << line << endl;
         else if (type == "Cat") {
            bool hadvaccine;
            if ((tempstream >> aweight >> hadvaccine) &&
               (tempstream.get(achar)) &&
               (getline(tempstream, name))) {
               animals.push_back(new Cat(name, aweight, hadvaccine));
            else {
               cout << "Bad cat : " << line << endl;
         else if (type == "STOP") {
         else {
            cout << "Not a known kind of animal: " << line << endl;
      else {
         cout << "bad line: " << line << endl;
   cout << "\nHere is the list of animals I found:\n";
   for (int i = 0; i < animals.size(); i++) {
      cout <<[i]->toString() << endl;
   cout << "\nHere is the list of animals that need a visit:\n";
   for (auto x : animals) {
      if (x->needsvisit()) {
         cout << x->toString() << endl;
   cout << "End of list of anmals needing a visit\n";

— Animal.h —

#pragma once
using namespace std;
class Animal
	Animal(string aname, double aweight);
	virtual string toString();
	virtual bool needsvisit() = 0;
	string name;
	double weight;

— Animal.cpp —

#include "Animal.h"
Animal::Animal(string aname, double aweight)
	name = aname;
	weight = aweight;
string Animal::toString() {
	ostringstream tempstream;
	tempstream << "Name: >" << name << "<\tweight: " << weight;
	return tempstream.str();

— Cat.h —

#pragma once
#include "Animal.h"
class Cat :
	public Animal
	Cat(string aname, double weight, bool hadcalicivaccine);
	virtual string toString();
	virtual bool needsvisit();
	bool calicivaccine;

— Cat.cpp —

#include "Cat.h"
Cat::Cat(string aname, double aweight, bool hadcalicivaccine)
: Animal(aname, aweight)
	calicivaccine = hadcalicivaccine;
string Cat::toString() {
	ostringstream tempstream;
	tempstream << Animal::toString();
	if (calicivaccine) {
		tempstream << "\tHas had vaccine";
	else {
		tempstream << "\tHas NOT had vaccine";
	return tempstream.str();
bool Cat::needsvisit()
	if (!calicivaccine) {
		return true;
	return false;

— Dog.h —

#pragma once
#include "Animal.h"
class Dog :
	public Animal
	Dog(string aname, double aweight);
	virtual bool needsvisit();

— Dog.cpp —

#include "Dog.h"
Dog::Dog(string aname, double aweight)
: Animal(aname, aweight)
bool Dog::needsvisit()
	const double MAXWEIGHT = 30.0;
	if (weight > MAXWEIGHT) {
		return true;
	return false;

Here is some data from this example:

Dog 20 Bo Schembechler
Dog 50 Wrecker
Dog 15
Dog 16 
Cat 7 1 E.T.
Cat 83 0 Fritz
Parrot 13 Albert Einstein

cs-142/inheritance3.txt · Last modified: 2018/04/18 15:28 by kseppi
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