Managing a Movie Collection


Part 1

  • You plan to build a program to manage a movie collection
  • All you care about are the title, the duration in hours, and your rating of each movie (out of 5 stars)
  • Your rating may change over time, but the title and duration are immutable
  • What data type(s) would we use to represent an entry in your collection?
  • Develop a class to represent a movie
  • What are the data members? member functions?
  • To test your class, write a program that creates your favorite movie and your least favorite movie and print them to the console

Part 2

  • To test your class further, write a program that creates 10 movies and print them to the console (using a static function)
  • For each movie, prompt for an updated rating



This is the source file containing the main function to test our Movie class.

There are no test cases for this example as it is simply a demonstration of using classes
At the point at which updated ratings are prompted for, one could potentially try different test cases
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include "Movie.h" // This is how our program knows what a Movie object is
using namespace std;
	Function to print a list of movies to the console
	@param movies list of movies to print
void print_movies(const vector<Movie> & movies)
	for (int i = 0; i < movies.size(); i++)
		// Note that the to_string() function of the Movie class must be const
		// otherwise we cannot guarantee that the function parameter will be unchanged
		// by the function, as indicated by the const above
		cout << movies[i].to_string() << endl;
int main()
	// This program simulates the creation of movie objects purely to demonstrate how classes and objects are used
	// Create a new Movie object using a constructor that takes a title, a duration, and a rating
	Movie favorite_movie("Jurassic Park 4",2.5,4.5);
	// Here are two accessor functions that allow us to access 
	// (but not modify) data memembers of objects of the Movie class
	cout << "Favorite movie is " << favorite_movie.get_title() << endl;
	cout << "It's rating is " << favorite_movie.get_my_rating() << endl;
	// Here is a mutator function to allow us to change the value of a data
	// Check that the value has actually changed
	cout << "It's new rating is " << favorite_movie.get_my_rating() << endl << endl;
	// It is always good to have a to_string function that returns a string representation of the object
	cout << favorite_movie.to_string() << endl << endl;
	// We can create multiple objects of the same class
	Movie worst_movie("The Last Airbender", 2.0, 0.1);
	cout << worst_movie.to_string() << endl;
	// We can create a vector of objects of a particular class
	vector<Movie> movies(10);
	movies[0] = Movie("Shrek", 1.8, 5.0);
	movies[1] = Movie("Count of Monte Cristo", 2.3, 4.9);
	movies[2] = Movie("Vertigo", 1.9, 4.5);
	movies[3] = Movie("Airplane", 1.7, 4.9);
	movies[4] = Movie("The Village", 1.6, 1.4);
	movies[5] = Movie("Eragon", 1.6, .3);
	movies[6] = Movie("Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles", 1.4, .6);
	movies[7] = Movie("Man of Steel", 1.6, 3.6);
	movies[8] = Movie("The Majestic", 2.3, 4.85);
	movies[9] = Movie("Duck Soup", 1.6, 4.78);
	// This is a static function, in contrast to 
	// the member functions called (via dot-notation) on an object
	// Prompt for a new rating for each of our movies
	for (int i = 0; i < movies.size(); i++)
		cout << movies[i].get_title() << " has current rating " 
			<< movies[i].get_my_rating() << endl;
		cout << "New rating: ";
		double new_rating;
		cin >> new_rating;
	// Use the same static function to view movies with updated ratings
	return 0;


#include <string>
using namespace std;
// These lines make it so that if a header is circuitously included twice
// then the class is defined only once
#ifndef _MOVIE_H
#define _MOVIE_H
// class names should be capitalized and camel-case
class Movie
	Default constructor (called when no arguments are given)
	Constructor to create new movie with specified title, duration and rating
	@param _title the title that should be assigned to the newly created Movie object
	@param _duration the duration of the newly created Movie object
	@param _my_rating the rating to initially assign to the newly created Movie object
	Movie(string _title, double _duration, double _my_rating);
	// Accessors
	Getter for the title of this Movie object
	@return title of this Movie object
	string get_title() const; // const means this function won't change the data members
	Getter for the duration of this Movie object
	@return duration of this Movie object
	double get_duration() const;
	Getter for my rating of this Movie object
	@return my rating of this Movie object
	double get_my_rating() const;
	// Mutators
	Assigns a new value to my rating for this Movie object
	@param new_rating the rating to assign to this Movie object
	void update_my_rating(double new_rating);
	Returns a string representation of this Movie object
	@return string representation of this Movie object
	string to_string() const;
	string title;
	double duration;
	double my_rating;


Usually, it is only the member functions that need implementing in the .cpp file.

#include <sstream>
// We have to include the class definition in order to know what we are implementing
#include "Movie.h" 
// Don't forget to specify which class we are defining implementations for with "ClassName::"
	title = "";
	duration = 0.0;
	my_rating = 0.0;
Movie::Movie(string _title, double _duration, double _my_rating)
	title = _title;
	duration = _duration;
	my_rating = _my_rating;
string Movie::get_title() const
	return title;
double Movie::get_my_rating() const
	return my_rating;
void Movie::update_my_rating(double new_rating)
	my_rating = new_rating;
string Movie::to_string() const
	ostringstream strm;
	strm << "Title: " << title << "\n";
	strm << "Duration: " << duration << "\n";
	strm << "My rating: " << my_rating << "\n";
	return strm.str();
cs-142/managing-a-movie-collection.txt · Last modified: 2015/06/02 12:40 by cs142ta
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