Missionary Referral Manager


  • Your mission president found out that you are a programmer and needs you to build a program to track and manage referrals (names only for now)
  • Specifically the program needs to be able to
    • Display all referrals
    • Add a referral
    • Display all referrals sorted by name
    • Load a list of referrals (one name per line)
    • Save a list of referrals (one name per line)
  • You only need to worry about tracking names for now
  • Referrals have in the past been stored in files in CSV (Comma Separated Values) files formatted this way:
    • Name Phone# Area
  • For example:
    • Paul Bodily 1-541-123-4567Orem South
  • Adapt your program to be able to load referrals saved in this format


Test cases should be made to test each option under various conditions (e.g., empty vs non-empty list,
multi-word input vs single-word input, files w/ and w/o phone numbers, etc)
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
const int DISPLAY_ALL_OPT = 1;
const int ADD_OPT = 2;
const int DISPLAY_SORTED_OPT = 3;
const int LOAD_OPT = 4;
const int SAVE_OPT = 5;
	Print menu and prompt for user's choice
	@return user's menu choice
int prompt_for_choice()
	cout << "*********MENU***********" << endl
		<< DISPLAY_ALL_OPT << ". Display all referrals" << endl
		<< ADD_OPT << ". Add a referral" << endl
		<< DISPLAY_SORTED_OPT << ". Display all referrals sorted by name" << endl
		<< LOAD_OPT << ". Load a list of referrals" << endl
		<< SAVE_OPT << ". Save a list of referrals" << endl
		<< "Choice? ";
	int choice;
	cin >> choice;
	cout << endl;
	return choice;
	displays a list of strings with a 1-based ordering label
	@param list a list of strings to display
void display_list(const vector<string> & list)
	cout << "LIST ELEMENTS" << endl;
	for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++)
		// print 1-based index and each element
		cout << (i + 1) << ". " << list[i] << endl;
	Prompts for name to add and adds name to list
void add_referral(vector<string> & names)
	cout << "Name:";
	string name;
	getline(cin, name);
	Displays list sorted alphabetically without modifying original list
	@param list to be displayed sorted
void display_sorted(const vector<string> & list)
	vector<string> copy_to_sort = list;
	sort(copy_to_sort.begin(), copy_to_sort.end());
	//copy_to_sort is now sorted
	Prompts user for filename and then replaces list of names with list from the specified file
	Note that if file doesn't exist, then list stays the same
	@param names list to fill with file contents
void load_from_file(vector<string> & names)
	cout << "File to load:";
	string filename;
	cin.sync(); // We need this in case there's a "\n" sitting in  cin from cin >> choice in the menu prompt
	getline(cin, filename); // We can get names with multiple words
	ifstream in_file;
	if (in_file.fail()) // Checks if file can be read
		cout << "Couldn't load file" << endl;
	names.clear(); // remove all current elements from the list
	string next_line;
	while (getline(in_file, next_line))
		// The file may contain a phone number after the name for each person
		// We need to find the position of the first number and get a substring of just the name
		int i = 0;
		while (!isdigit(next_line[i]))
		// i is now the position of the first number in the line
		int j = i - 1;
		while (isspace(next_line[j]))
		// j is now the position of the last non-space before the first number
		string name = next_line.substr(0, j+1);
	cout << names.size() << " elements were loaded" << endl;
	Saves the list to a file with filename prompted for as part of function
	@param names list to save to a file
void save_to_file(vector<string> & names)
	cout << "Filename:";
	string filename;
	cin.sync(); // We need this in case there's a "\n" sitting in  cin from cin >> choice in the menu prompt
	getline(cin, filename); // We can get names with multiple words
	ofstream out_file;
	if (out_file.fail())
		cout << "Couldn't write to file" << endl;
	for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++)
		// Print just like you would to cout
		out_file << names[i] << endl;
int main()
	vector<string> names;
	while (true)
		int choice = prompt_for_choice();
		if (choice == DISPLAY_ALL_OPT)
			cout << "DISPLAY REFERRAL LIST" << endl;
		else if (choice == ADD_OPT)
			cout << "ADD REFERRAL" << endl;
		else if (choice == DISPLAY_SORTED_OPT)
			cout << "DISPLAY SORTED REFERRAL LIST" << endl;
		else if (choice == LOAD_OPT)
			cout << "LOAD REFERRAL LIST" << endl;
		else if (choice == SAVE_OPT)
			cout << "SAVE REFERRAL LIST" << endl;
		cout << endl;
	return 0;
cs-142/missionary-referral-manager.txt · Last modified: 2015/05/26 12:17 by cs142ta
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