Printing Pedigrees


  • You’ve been hired by!
  • Many customers have been wanting a blank pedigree chart to take to family reunions to fill out as a family
  • Write a program to print 5 blank generations, with each blank labeled with the generation number
  • Don’t worry about drawing branch lines
  • Should look like this (but with one more generation):
			4. _______
		3. _______
			4. _______
	2. _______
			4. _______
		3. _______
			4. _______
1. _______
			4. _______
		3. _______
			4. _______
	2. _______
			4. _______
		3. _______
			4. _______
  • Don't worry about indentation initially, just get the right numbers on the right lines.

Part 2

  • How would you indent based on the function parameter?
  • Add a parameter explicitly for the label
  • How do I determine my parent's label from my label?

Part 3

  • Real pedigrees don’t label by generation, but by a genealogical numbering system called Ahnentafel numbers (the number means more than you might think).
  • “a father's number will be twice that individual's number, or a mother's will be twice plus one”
  • For example:
			8. _______
		4. _______
			9. _______
	2. _______
			10. _______
		5. _______
			11. _______
1. _______
			12. _______
		6. _______
			13. _______
	3. _______
			14. _______
		7. _______
			15. _______
  • How do we adapt to do this?
  • The code below demonstrates the result of all three parts.


  • Pretend that “someone else” has solved printing a tree for a mother/father (e.g., generation x-1)
  • Figure out how printing a tree for mother/father can be used to print a tree for me.
  • Decide the base case: what should happen for the last generation printed?


Test cases:
Input: Print only one generation
Expected Output: a tree with just place for me
Input: Print a tree with 0 generations
Expected Output: no tree
Input: Print two generations
Expected Output: a tree with me and my parents
Input: Print three generations
Expected Output: a tree with room for me, my parents, and my grandparents
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const int STARTING_LABEL = 1;
	A recursive function to print a blank pedigree for an arbitrary number of generations
	@param generations_left number of generations printed by this function call
	@param label label to be printed for the root of this blank tree
void print_blank_tree(int generations_left, int label)
	// base case
	if (generations_left == 0)
	// print father's tree (assume someone has figured out how to do that)
	print_blank_tree(generations_left-1, label * 2);
	// print myself indented based on how many generations have been printed
	for (int tab = 0; tab < GENERATIONS_TO_PRINT - generations_left; tab++)
		cout << "\t";
	cout << label << ". _______________________" << endl;
	// print mother's tree (assume someone has figured out how to do that)
	print_blank_tree(generations_left - 1, label * 2 + 1);
int main()
	// Invoke the function, assuming someone else has solved the problem
	return 0;
cs-142/printing-pedigrees.txt · Last modified: 2015/05/28 13:22 by cs142ta
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