#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
const string PUNCTUATION = "!.,;:\"'";
// normalize converts everything to lower case and
// and removes trailing puncutation
string normalize(string word) {
	string newword;
	for (char c : word) {						// loop through the string
		if (isupper(c)) {						// find upper case stuff
			newword += tolower(c);				// convert to lower case
		else {
			newword += c;
	// find the index of the last letter that is not punctuation
	unsigned long end_of_word = newword.find_last_not_of(PUNCTUATION); 
	// if there is no such letter (the word is all punctuation)...
	if (end_of_word == string::npos) {
		return "";								// return an empty string
	// return (end_of_word+1) letters starting at the beginning
	return newword.substr(0,end_of_word+1);
// look to see if the word is already in the list
bool already_there(string word, vector<string> list) {
	for (auto w : list) {
		if (w == word) {
			return true;
	return false;
int main()
	vector<string> words;
	string word;
	string line;
	cout << "Give me some words: (type no if you do not want to) ";
	getline(cin, line);								// grab the whole line
	if ("no" != line) {								// if the whole line is NOT no...
		stringstream temp_stream(line);					// put the line in a temp stringstream
		while (temp_stream >> word) {					// grab words one at a time
			words.push_back(word);						// put them in the vector
		// print out the words:
		cout << "The words you gave me: ";
		for (auto w : words) {
			cout << w << " ";
		cout << endl;
		// Find the UNIQUE words:
		vector<string> uwords;
		for (auto w : words) {							// look through all of the words
			string temp_word = normalize(w);			// normalize each one
			if (!already_there(temp_word, uwords)) {	// if it is NOT already in the list of unique words
				uwords.push_back(temp_word);			// then add it to the unique words
		// print out the unique words:
		cout << "Unique words: ";
		for (auto w : uwords) {
			cout << w << " ";
		cout << endl;
	return 0;
cs-142/short-unique-words.txt · Last modified: 2015/11/04 11:59 by kseppi
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