#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
/* From the book
This program computes taxes
   Income and marital status
    Tax due
    Use the marital status to find the correct base and bonus rates and taxes.
    combine the base and bonus taxes, and print out the total.
  Test Cases:
  1) 500, s, 50
  2) 1000000, s:  $245200
  3) 1000000, m: $240400
int main()
   const double RATE1 = 0.10;
   const double RATE2 = 0.25;
   const double RATE1_SINGLE_LIMIT = 32000;
   const double RATE1_MARRIED_LIMIT = 64000;
   double tax1 = 0;
   double tax2 = 0;
   double income;
   cout << "Please enter your income: ";
   cin >> income;
   cout << "Please enter s for single, m for married: ";
   string marital_status;
   cin >> marital_status;
   if (marital_status == "s")
      if (income <= RATE1_SINGLE_LIMIT)
         tax1 = RATE1 * income;
         tax1 = RATE1 * RATE1_SINGLE_LIMIT;
         tax2 = RATE2 * (income - RATE1_SINGLE_LIMIT);
      if (income <= RATE1_MARRIED_LIMIT)
         tax1 = RATE1 * income;
         tax1 = RATE1 * RATE1_MARRIED_LIMIT;
         tax2 = RATE2 * (income - RATE1_MARRIED_LIMIT);
   double total_tax = tax1 + tax2;
   cout << "The tax is $" << total_tax << endl;
   return 0;
cs-142/tax-example.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/23 13:29 by kseppi
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