Prune the following tree using Alpha-Beta Pruning with random nodes by marking pruned nodes with an X. Please prune left to right. The numbers under the Random nodes (labeled Ran) are the probabilities of each branch.

Assume that you know that all values are between 0 and 10.

                   /     \
                 Ran       Ran
              /     |     |    \
            0.7    0.3   0.7    0.3
            /        |     |        \
          Min       Min   Min       Min
         /  \       / \   / \      /    \
        9    10    9   7 2   10   5     8

Show your work step by step, not just the end result of the punning

cs-470/games-homework.txt · Last modified: 2015/01/06 14:50 by ryancha
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