Current Research

Extending fan-out: What topics from other scheduling tasks can be applied? How does adjustable/adaptable robot autonomy effect IT/NT?

Delegation Interface: I'm working on writing a simulator that allows the delegation of authority to agents, and will likely include some self-organization among the agents. This should help with determining various ways of interacting with a group or even a self-organizing swarm of agents.

Future Work

Extend Fan-out: Work on extending fan-out by developing a mathematical model including multiple humans and robots.


Philip Cook. Limitations and extensions of the Wolf-PHC algorithm. Master’s thesis, Brigham Young University, 2007.

Philip Cook and Michael A. Goodrich. MMM-PHC: A Particle-Based Multi-Agent Learning Algorithm. ICMLA 2010.

hcmi/philip-cook.txt · Last modified: 2014/08/13 14:45 by tlund1
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