Rhyming terms, organized (in progress)

Perfect rhyme, True rhyme, Full rhyme, Pure rhyme all phonemes are the same, except in the rhyming syllable

Identical rhyme, more-than-perfect rhyme		phonemes are exactly the same
Rich rhyme							phonemes are exactly the same, but words (spellings) are different

Imperfect rhyme, Oblique rhyme, Near rhyme, Half rhyme, Off rhyme, Slant rhyme some departure from the above “perfect” rhyme

Multisyllabic rhyme, compound rhyme, polysyllable rhyme

Single rhyme, masculine rhyme		the last syllable of both words rhyme
Double rhyme, feminine rhyme		the last two syllables of both words rhyme
Triple rhyme					the last three syllables of both words rhyme

Pararhyme, Consonant rhyme all consonant phonemes in both words are identical, in the same position. Vowel phonemes may differ. Assonant rhyme all vowel phonemes in both words are identical, in the same position. Consonant phonemes may differ.

Eye rhyme, Sight rhyme, Spelling rhyme words that look like they should rhyme by their spellings, but don’t by their phonemes

Head rhyme, beginning rhyme alliteration rhyming the first phoneme of multiple words

Internal rhyme rhyming the middles of lines End rhyme, Tail rhyme, Terminal rhyme rhyming the ends of lines

Alternating rhyme

Apocopated rhyme

Approximate rhyme

Assonant rhyme

Broken rhyme

Caesural rhyme

Cross rhyme

Crossed rhyme

Dactylic rhyme

Envelope rhyme

Extended rhyme

Extra-syllable rhyme

Forced rhyme


Homonym rhyme

Initial rhyme

Inserted rhyme

Interlaced rhyme, Interlocking rhyme

Intermittent rhyme

Irregular rhyme

Leonine rhyme

Light rhyme

Linked rhyme

Macaronic rhyme

Medial rhyme

Mind rhyme

Misplaced-rhyme scheme

Mosaic rhyme

Multisyllabic rhyme

Occasional rhyme

Off-centered rhyme

One-syllable rhyme

Punning rhyme

Rhyme in Verse

Rime couée

Scarce rhyme


Spoken word rhyme style

Sporadic rhyme

Sprung rhyme


Syllabic rhyme

Thorn line

Unaccented rhyme

Weak rhyme

Wrenched rhyme





mind/organized-rhyme-terms.txt · Last modified: 2016/09/04 14:01 by bayb2
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