
 2x GoPro heros  
 Micro USB for charging (there are 2, but only really need 1)
 SD Memory card for recording video locally

Antenna Tracker

 Antenna rig (has 4 mounted antennas, 2 video receivers, and a servo)
 1x 11.1V lipo battery (for receivers)
 4x AA batteries (for LCD & servos)
 2x RCA Video Cables (can use one if needed)
 2x dazzles (only necessary for machines directly connecting to video receivers that do not have capture cards)


 the hexikopter
 telemetry receiver (and associated usb cable)
 rc controller
 2x 14.8v lipo batteries
 1x spare battery
 lipo charger
 -- if transmitting video --
 1x video receiver
 2x antenna (to connect to the video receiver)
 1x video transmitter (with power regulator)


 the plane
 2x 11.1v lipo batteries
 2x video transmitters
 gps transmitter (for antennae tracker)
 rc controller
 spare props (12x3.8 slow flyer pusher)
 CommBox (charge it before you go as we don't have the power adapter)


 server box
 DVI to VGA adapter
 power cable
 mouse and keyboard (if running on desktop)
 network cable
 networking switch
 power strip / surge protector
 at least 2 RCA to Coaxial connectors (for current server's capture card)

Piloting Software

 serial to usb cable
 Laptop to run it on

Itemized List

 3x 11.1v lipo batteries
 3x 14.8v lipo batteries
 1x lipo charger
 4x AA batteries
 3x video receivers
 3x video transmitters  
 RCA video cables
 1x gps transmitter
 1x Antenna tracker rig
 2x non-mounted antennas
 1x tripod
 hexikopter (and RC controller)
 plane (and RC controller)
 spare props
 networking switch
 comm box
 serial to usb cable
 2x (or more) RCA to Coaxial connectors (for current server's capture card)
 power strip / surge protector
 machine to run server  (as necessary: input hardware, power cables, network cables, monitor cables, dvi to vga adapter, capture devices)
 machine to run autopilot (see above)
 machines for client (see above)

Week Of Checklist

 1) Fully Charge Batteries
 2) Test video transmission system
 3) Verify equipment exists
 4) Reserve trailer

Flight-Day Checklist

Antenna Tracker Calibration

 1) Power on antennae tracker.
 2) Choose 'Set home' option (calibrates tracker's current GPS location)
 3) Choose 'Calibrate' option (calibrates with plane's relative location)

Video Calibration Prior to Running Server

 1) Run vlc
 2) Choose appropriate capture device
 2) Set video format to NTSC_M_JP
 3) close vlc
 4) start server

GoPro Camera Calibration

 Set to r4 mode
 (On server) Crop size (power of 8): 632 x 472

Auto-Pilot Calibration

 1) ??

Hexa-kopter Controller Info

 gear switch - altitude hold (0 -> off (for landing especially), 1 -> on)
 fmode switch - gps hold (0 -> off, 1-> position hold, 2->come home)

wisar/flight-check-list.txt · Last modified: 2014/08/11 13:12 by tmburdge
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